Independent Music

The role that music has in each of our lives is something that is often underrated. It is easy to take for granted. In this area of the site we take a look at the different experience of making and releasing independent music, music creation and the music industry enjoyed by people working within the industry itself.

We also use this space to highlight the movers and shakers within the independent music scene on the internet and within our own Music Community. We feature artists here, on our sister sites Songstuff UK (SSUK) and the Independent Music Stage (IMS), on our related YouTube channels, and our related social media portals.

We aim to raise the profile of independent artists. We believe that independent artists deserve as much support as possible. Mainstream artists have massive budgets to work with. Their representatives have big contact lists. With 120,000 new songs released every single day (yes, you read that right), even the most established independent artists need opportunities to help them to stand out from the crowd. Lesser known artists need every chance they can get to help level the playing field.

Help us to promote independent music. Like, comment and share our streams and our accounts on Spotify, YouTube and Soundcloud. Follow our blogs and share our blog posts.

Interviews and Articles From Across Independent Music

We are growing a collection of resources for people with an interest in independent music, and the business of Music. So, let’s get started with some articles featured below:

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